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Name: Mike Edgerton
Sent: 4/12/2011 11:04:00 AM
Gary and Marsha, My thoughts are always with you around Christmas, even way up here in Ocala.
God Bless both of you, My heart is with you both!
Happy Holidays.
Mike,Tina,Jen, Kelly Derek,and Nicholas Edgerton
Sent: 4/12/2011 1:22:00 AM
WOW - i'M THERE NOW - love you guys!
Name: Aunt Jane
Sent: 4/11/2011 3:03:00 PM
Never get tired or looking at his albums...over and over...memories hurt, but what if we didn't have any.....his pictures make me smile.
Name: Aunt Jane
Sent: 2/5/2011 4:13:00 PM
The Chi-Chi's hat & sunglasses - that says it all.."Parteeee Boy"
Name: Aunt Jane
Sent: 1/23/2011 9:01:00 PM
Love all the photos
Name: Edie Pitchford
Sent: 12/21/2010 9:49:00 PM
He will always be in ours hearts.
Name: Aunt Carol
Sent: 12/20/2010 8:20:00 PM
My Heart aches for you.
Name: Aunt Shirley and Uncle Mike
Sent: 12/19/2010 11:38:00 AM
We love and miss you very much Ian !
Name: Steve G
Sent: 12/18/2010 8:02:00 PM
I just realized that even though that tape says 1987 on it, it might be 1986 if he is three in the video or even 1985 if he is two.
Name: Steve G
Sent: 12/18/2010 7:48:00 PM
Just thought I'd share this video I found of when I was babysitting Ian. It was right before Xmas in 1987. My thoughts are always with you guys, especially this time of year. As Lorrainie said below it is great to have this website as somewhere to go and celebrate his life.
Note the video is posted as "private" so it is only accessible through this link:
Name: Lorraine
Sent: 12/14/2010 6:17:00 PM
I always have wished that I would have known Ian better. But because I moved away to PA we all didnt see each other til my wedding day and then I didnt have time to be with you guys. I have lots of regrets about that. I find joy in this website and seeing Ian. Makes me feel like Im getting to know him a little better. Thanks for that.
Name: Bonnie Eaves
Sent: 12/14/2010 4:38:00 PM
Love my other Son!!! & miss him dearly....
Name: Jaimie Eaves-Klintworh
Sent: 12/14/2010 3:03:00 PM
Ian you were taken way to soon and I will ALWAYS LOVE YOU....I gave my lil man his middle name to be after you. I swear I still see a lil of you in him he was conceived the night you passed so it helps a little but I'll never get used to you not being here ever time I go to the keys I still think Im going to see you but like I said I love you always and your whole family this site is great may you rest in peace and I know Ill see you again in heaven one day til then know that you are missed by everyone you knew...!!!! xoxoxoxo
Name: Evelyn
Sent: 10/25/2010 8:37:00 PM
Ian and I met in our high school drama class and immediately became very close. While Ian was younger than me, there was a period of time where I genuinely looked up to him and was sure that he'd be a famous actor one day. We shared that goal and talked about it often.
Ian and I used to joke that we had so much fun with one another that we could hang at an insurance convention and have a blast.
Another joke the two of us had was to ask each other about the weather...I can't exactly remember where it started, but it had something to do with us making fun of people who didn't have anything better to talk about than the weather...We pretty much always had something interesting to talk and/or laugh about. It was our way of being silly and since the weather in the keys was so nice, of course it was an obvious question...
I live in L.A. now and work as an actor, but worked for about a year in insurance claims after college.
To this day when someone asks me about the weather I feel a slight giggle inside and think of Ian...and wonder how much his presence has and is influencing us all.
Name: Earl Truman Neeley
Sent: 10/24/2010 8:14:00 PM
Rest in peace knowing your loved by all who knew you.
Name: Angel Merritt
Sent: 10/11/2010 11:02:00 PM
Loved reading about baby Ian. Can't wait for the next installment.
Name: Chris Bellamy
Sent: 9/30/2010 10:19:00 PM
Hey Guys,Just wanted to say hey.Think of you often and wish I'd known your son better.Lots of Love,Chris
Name: Aunt Jane
Sent: 9/30/2010 2:41:00 PM
When I think of Ian, I see him jumping over the log at the cookout (running from the "Hand Man" screaming "Oh Shit", and the look on Carol and Tom's face - priceless
Name: Deb Hoff
Sent: 9/30/2010 10:31:00 AM
I did not get to see Ian very often during my many trips to the Keys, but I do remember one particular night we were all at the Lorelei while Billy and Paul were playing and Ian was there too. I remember that Paulie tried to get him to go over and say hi to a young lady who was there, but Ian seemed a little reluctant. Paulie (as only Paulie can do) commented that "I'm just trying to help you out, dude!" I still don't know what the outcome of all that!
What I do know about Ian is that he was a special young man, the son of two wonderful people who loved him very, very much, and of course, still do. I can't help but think that he had all the best qualities of both Gary and Marcia, which of course is what made him so very special. We miss him - but he will always be a part of us.
Much love to Gary, Marcia, and of course, Jager.
Love, Deb
Name: Bryan Lykins
Sent: 9/27/2010 1:40:00 PM
Hey Ian, I think about u every time I drive by. Still laugh at all the fun times we had at camp and youth group, and u trying to smile your way out of trouble with the rest of the boys. I still tell people the camp story of how u broke the sink trying to get into the attic with a couple of other boys in the dorm, and how everyone pointed at u when I asked who did it, and still had enough character to clean it up on your own without me asking.
Miss you, Bryan